
Creation of a garbage collection calendar

It is a garbage collection calendar of the all year by a
self-governing body etc.
The day of garbage collection is as follows.
1: 2nd Monday           Collection of Waste Articles by Children's Association
2: 4th Monday           Large-sized Combustible Trash 
3: Every Week Tuesday   Common Garbage 
4: 1st Thursday         Recycling Garbage 
5: 2nd Thursday         Incombustible Trash 
6: 3rd Thursday         Recycling Garbage 
7: Every Week Friday    Common Garbage 

It works in the terminal on Mac OS X 10.7.5.
The Python 2.7.1 is used on the script.

Below, the garbage collection calendar of 2013 editions is created.
$ python 2013 > manytime-1.txt
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import calendar
# Creation of the start time string.
def startTime(dayStr, num):
    aHour = 0
    if len(str(aHour)) == 1:
        aHourStr = " 0" + str(aHour)
        aHourStr = " " + str(aHour)
    return dayStr + aHourStr + ":00:00"
# Creation of the end time string.
def endTime(dayStr, num):
    aHour = 23
    if len(str(aHour)) == 1:
        aHourStr = " 0" + str(aHour)
        aHourStr = " " + str(aHour)
    return dayStr + aHourStr + ":59:00"
# Creation of the yyyy-MM-dd string
def yyyyMMdd(year,month,day):
    if len(str(month)) == 1:
        aMonthStr = "0" + str(month)
        aMonthStr = "" + str(month)
    if len(str(day)) == 1:
        aDayStr = "0" + str(day)
        aDayStr = "" + str(day)
    return str(year_num) + "-" + aMonthStr + "-" + aDayStr
# Creation of the data for ManyTime.
def tajikan(aDayStr,aComment):
    startStr = startTime(aDayStr,0)
    endStr = endTime(aDayStr,0)
    return startStr + "\t" + endStr + "\t" + aComment
# Handling the argument
argvs = sys.argv
argc = len(argvs)
# Check the argument
if (argc != 2):
    print 'Usage: # python %s year_num' % argvs[0]
# Start main program
year_num = int(argvs[1])
# Processing on a monthly basis.
for month in range(1, 13):
    # Get the calendar.
    c = calendar.monthcalendar(year_num, month)
    # Processing on a weekly basis.
    for week in range(0,len(c)):
        aWeek = c[week]
        # Output 2nd Monday and 4th Monday.
        aDay1 = aWeek[calendar.MONDAY]
        if aDay1 != 0:
            # 2nd Monday
            if week == 2:
                dayStr = yyyyMMdd(year_num,month,aDay1)
                print tajikan(dayStr,"Collection of Waste Articles by Children's Association")
            # 4th Monday
            if week == 4:
                dayStr = yyyyMMdd(year_num,month,aDay1)
                print tajikan(dayStr,"Large-sized Combustible Trash")
        # Output every Tuesday
        aDay2 = aWeek[calendar.TUESDAY]
        if aDay2 != 0:
            #print '%3s: %2s *' % (month, aDay1)
            dayStr = yyyyMMdd(year_num,month,aDay2)
            #print startTime(dayStr,0)
            print tajikan(dayStr,"Common Garbage")
        # Output 1st Thursday, 2nd Thursday and 3rd Thursday.
        aDay4 = aWeek[calendar.THURSDAY]
        if aDay4 != 0:
            # 1st Thursday
            if week == 1:
                dayStr = yyyyMMdd(year_num,month,aDay4)
                print tajikan(dayStr,"Recycling Garbage")
            # 2nd Thursday
            if week == 2:
                dayStr = yyyyMMdd(year_num,month,aDay4)
                print tajikan(dayStr,"Incombustible Trash")
            # 3rd Thursday
            if week == 3:
                dayStr = yyyyMMdd(year_num,month,aDay4)
                print tajikan(dayStr,"Recycling Garbage")
        # Output every Friday.
        aDay5 = aWeek[calendar.FRIDAY]
        if aDay5 != 0:
            #print '%3s: %2s' % (month, aDay2)
            dayStr = yyyyMMdd(year_num,month,aDay5)
            #print startTime(dayStr,0)
            print tajikan(dayStr,"Common Garbage")
# End main program

Creation of the data..Time difference conv.. ブログトップ
